

Yoast is here to help boost your website’s rankings! The Yoast SEO plugin provides feedback on the readability of your content and handles technical SEO stuff behind the scenes, helping over 13 million website owners worldwide.

What’s new at Yoast?

Yoast SEO now empowers you to generate titles and meta descriptions using AI. Imagine not having to ponder and labor over crafting the perfect meta descriptions and titles. Our advanced AI does it for you! It’s designed to understand your content and create precise, engaging titles and descriptions that boost your SEO performance. Give it a try today!

How do we help the community?

Yoast sponsors many WordCamps around the world. Big or small, we appreciate everyone who contributes to WordPress. We want to contribute to the community and ensure everyone has an equal opportunity. Our Yoast Diversity fund aims to increase the diversity of the WordPress community by removing financial barriers for people from typically underrepresented groups in the tech industry. And our Yoast Care fund offers a gift to a candidate who donates their time to WordPress for free.
