Carole Olinger

Carole Olinger

Carole entered the WordPress community in 2016 – during a four-year sabbatical, which she took to prioritize her mental health – and it was life-changing! She quit her former job as a government administrator in her home country Luxembourg, and she threw herself into WordCamp volunteering, organizing, and speaking while traveling the world. Furthermore, she quickly became an advocate for positive mental health, diversity, and inclusion in tech.

In 2022, Carole joined Yoast as a Culture & Recruitment Strategist, finding her passion in taking team culture and recruitment marketing to the next level.

She is also the Head of the CloudFest Hackathon, enabling the setting of milestones for open-source projects at the leading conference for cloud computing.

Over the past few years, Carole has held various positions at several companies within the WordPress industry, including a leading WebOps platform and a renowned WordPress agency specializing in enterprise clients.

Her current home base is in a tranquil rural region of Germany, where she shares her partially digital nomadic life with her husband and #BuffyTheDog. The contrast and variety between quiet country life and adventurous travels around the world, all while working remotely, have proven to be a true source of inspiration for her.




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